1. Society Ordinary General Meeting
At the ordinary general meeting, which takes place around March every year, project reports and financial statements from the previous year, appointment of executives for the New Year, and reporting on project plans and budget plans, etc., take place. There are also society award presentations and special lectures that are conducted in accordance with the general meeting.
2. Publication of the Society Journal
Journal of Human Interface Society contains commentaries and articles on topics related to the human interface, and society news.
- It is distributed freely to the members
- Published four times a year in February, May, August, and November – A4 format
3. Publication of Academic Journals
The Transactions of Human Interface Society , containing papers posted by members (dissertations, review articles, correspondences, short notes), is also published by the society.
- Members can view this as an online journal
(As supporting members and subscription members cannot view online journals, a CD-ROM of each edition is also distributed) - It is published four times a year in February, May, August, and November, and a CD-ROM that contains the papers from all four issues is also distributed to members in November.
4. Organization of the Human Interface Symposium
The Human Interface Symposium is held in autumn every year. In addition to holding seminars on the human interface, it includes presentations of latest research related to the human interface, introduction to the laboratory, and demonstrations of the newly developed technologies.
- Members can participate at a discount rate, and a proceedings is published (distributed for a fee)
5. Organization of Research Meeting by Special Interest Groups
Supervision of the special interest group operations is mainly under the auspices of the Special Interest Group Management Committee, whereas each Research Meeting is usually hosted by a Special Interest Group.
- Research Meeting A:This is held approximately 10-12 times a year. Participation is free for members and a proceedings is published. This Workshop is hosted by the permanent special interest groups.
- Research Meeting B:Held as required. Includes symposiums and seminars. Fees for participation may be collected. This is hosted by special interest groups.
- Research Meeting C:Held as required. This is hosted by the Special Interest Group Management Committees
Special Interest Groups
The following six special interest groups are currently active.
- Special Interest Group on Accessible Interface (SIGACI)[Permanent]
- Special Interest Group on Communication Enhancement (SIGCE)[Permanent]
- Special Interest Group on Health Care(SIGHC)[Permanent]
- Special Interest Group on Management for Safety(SIGMAS)[Permanent]
- Special Interest Group on User Experience and Service Design(SIGUXSD)[Permanent]
- Special Interest Group on De-vice Media Oriented UI(SIGDeMO)[Permanent]
6. Publication of “Correspondences on Human Interface Society ”
“Correspondences on Human Interface Society ” is published once every year.
This collection of study reports has been stored in electronic form since 2010.
Annual registered subscribers can download the study reports for free after one week from the day the Research Meeting was held.
A CD-ROM of the study reports from the previous year is issued to annual registered subscribers every year at the beginning of the New Year.
On the day of the Research Meeting, a simple printed version of the study reports is distributed for a fee (approximately 1500-2000 yen per volume) at the venue where the meeting is held.
7. Organization of Seminars
Seminar activities on specific themes related to the human interface are held from time to time.
8. Interaction with Japanese and International Academic Societies and Research Institutions
Collaborations are held from when required between human interface-related symposiums and research meetings of Japanese and international academic societies.
9. Information Communication: WWW&E-Mail Information Services
Information on new activities of the society is provided from the society website. Additionally, where requested, we send Society newsletters (issued monthly) and notices from the society (as required) by e-mail.
10. Other
We accept research consignments related to the human interface, and are keenly researching opportunities for new projects. We are also actively organizing occasions for students and young researchers interested in the human interface to meet and exchange with each other.